Luin Goldring
Friend of the Institute
Luin Goldring is an Associate Professor of Sociology at York University. Her current research analyses immigration status as a fault line of social inequality. Previous projects include “Immigrants and Precarious Employment” (with P. Landolt); the “Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario” research alliance (directed by W. Lewchuck and in collaboration with the UWGTA); the “Agency Data on Migration” project (directed by A. Kim); and “Negotiating the Boundaries of Rights and Membership” (directed by P. Landolt).
Her earlier research examined Mexico-U.S. migration, transnational political engagement, and Latin American community organizing in Canada. Recent publications include Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada (co-edited with P. Landolt), and an IRPP report on “The Impact of Precarious Legal Status on Immigrants’ Economic Outcomes” (with P. Landolt).