Research & Publications

Basic Income Guarantee: A Social Democratic Framework

Photo by Jay Bhadreshwara on Unsplash.

Our report seeks to clarify the problem that a basic income might solve, and outline principles to guide policy development from a social-democratic perspective.

The speed and scale of job loss in the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown were unprecedented and disproportionately impacted low-wage workers. This highlighted the fragility of our social safety net, especially for women and racialized low-waged workers, reigniting popular interest in a basic income.

However, thoughtful consideration of basic income requires a review of the policies and programs currently in place and an evaluation of what’s working, what could be fixed, and what should be replaced. It’s important we make sure we’re asking the right questions before we try answering them.

While there is a great deal of debate on the topic of a basic income, there is also very little clarity, since many different policies fall under its broad umbrella.

This report is part of our Essential Solutions Project, which brings together experts across multiple disciplines to generate innovative answers to the complex challenges we face right now and chart a path towards a more equitable and resilient future for all of us.

‘Basic Income Guarantee: A Social Democratic Framework’ is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0