
Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy

The Broadbent Institute is proud to launch PerspectivesA Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy. This new publication provides analysis and helps to develop strategy for building a world that is just and equitable.

Guided by the Broadbent Principles for Social DemocracyPerspectives presents commentary, interviews, peer-reviewed analysis, and other content to help inform strategists, organizers, academics, and policymakers of the theory, ideas, and practice that can be used to build a just and equitable world. On empowering workers, climate action, and decommodification, Perspectives draws on expertise in these fields for critical analysis of political economy and public policy. 

Perspectives also preserves and re-presents the original thought and analysis that the Broadbent Institute has produced over the past decade. Consolidating this content and presenting it in a novel format restores this work and will help to carry it over into the next stage of the Institute’s growth.

You can find our exciting new publication now online at perspectivesjournal.ca