OTTAWA – A new podcast series from Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy called Activists Make History demystifies Canadian democracy for political outsiders, demonstrating how we can overcome barriers facing underrepresented groups in Canadian politics.
Hosted by Peggy Nash, former Member of Parliament and member of the Broadbent Institute’s Board of Directors, Activists Make History tells the stories of the political underdogs running for political office and how those from the outside can win across Canada.
How do we take the struggles of political outsiders into the halls of power? Nash interviews those on the ground, coming up from the grassroots who aren’t afraid to start from scratch, and take on leadership roles.
In Nash’s introduction to the Activists Make History podcast:
“I talk to activists, experts, political leaders, and those like me who’ve been there and done that to show you can make real progressive change in how Canadian democracy functions.”
This limited series is presented through Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy, and complements Peggy Nash’s 2023 book Women Winning Office: An Activist’s Guide to Getting Elected from Between the Lines.
This series is made possible with the support of Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector union. Episodes will be shared biweekly on all major podcast platforms via the Perspectives Journal Podcast feed.