Become a Friend of Progress

Our work is powered by people like you.

We rely on the steady, committed support of individuals who share Ed Broadbent’s vision of a fairer, more equitable Canada. We could not do this work without you, and for that we are incredibly grateful.

The Friends of Progress are our most dedicated supporters, making sure we have the resources to continue championing progressive values within Canada and helping to shape our work through feedback and engagement.

Your support gives us the strength to plan ahead, react swiftly to sudden challenges, and stay in the good fight for the long term.

All Friends of Progress receive the Broadbent Bulletin and Perspectives Dispatch newsletters, as well as invitations to any Broadbent Institute events and updates on other important Broadbent Institute activities.

To make changes to an existing membership, click here.

Choose your membership:

Ally of Progress

$15 per month

By Donating at least $15 per month, you help to make sure our work is seen by as many people as possible! As thanks, you gain access to:

  • An early look at our annual report
  • A special version of our monthly Broadbent Bulletin

Voice of Progress

$30 per month

By Donating at least $30 per month, you help to sustain our ongoing policy research and advocacy efforts! As thanks, you gain access to:

  • Everything included in Ally of Progress
  • One volume per year of the print edition of Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy
  • The option to receive a physical copy of our annual report

Champion of Progress

$50 per month

By Donating at least $50 per month, you enable our efforts to ensure activists get the training they need to make a true impact! As thanks, you gain access to:

  • Everything included in Voice of Progress
  • Permanent early-bird pricing for tickets to our annual Progress Summit
  • Free tickets to our annual Ellen Meiksins Wood Lecture
  • Limited-edition swag as it becomes available

Partner of Progress

$100 per month

By Donating $100 or more per month, you go above and beyond to become a Partner of Progress, gaining access to:

  • Everything included in Champion of Progress
  • Free tickets to our annual Progress Summit
  • Special recognition at all Broadbent Institute functions
  • Personal invitations to special events

Become a Friend of Progress

All Friends of Progress receive the Broadbent Bulletin and Perspectives Newsletter, as well as invitations to any Broadbent Institute events and updates on other important Broadbent Institute activities.