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Dreams and Realities on the Home Front: Canadians’ Call for Government Action on Housing Affordability
Overall, a strong majority of respondents from both the BC Lower Mainland and the GTHA want to see the federal government get back into building housing (80%), with 41% wanting…
Canadian Grocery Profitability: Inflation, Wages and Financialization
This report examines the Canadian grocery industry to better understand what is driving retail profit growth, and as a result, higher supermarket food prices.
Making the Shift to a Green Economy: The Green Economy Network’s Common Platform
An alliance of unions, with environmental, public interest, and faith-based organizations are working together through the Green Economy Network to put these principles to practice by calling for big green investments over…
White Paper on the Status of Trans and Gender Diverse People
The goal of this white paper is to provide real solutions to real problems faced by trans and gender diverse people. These solutions require continuous critical reflection on transphobia to…
Will the Response to the US Inflation Reduction Act Reveal Canada’s Lack of Green Industrial Policy?
Canada’s apparent need to defensively respond to the US Inflation Reduction Act should spur some hard thinking on the purpose of industrial policy, the policy approach our country needs, and how to…
Beyond Simply Building More: Policy Options for Combatting the Financialization of Housing in Ontario
To ensure that housing affordability crises do not reoccur in the long-term future, the Ontario government also needs to introduce new models of housing that decommodify affordable dwellings, rather than…
Making it Right: Universal Basic Mental Healthcare for Ontario
Expanding the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) to include universal basic mental healthcare would relieve the economic costs of mental illness, improve well-being, and save the province millions of dollars.
Tax Fairness, Pandemic Recovery & Affordability Anxiety
In July 2021, the Broadbent Institute and the Professional Institute for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada commissioned Abacus Data to conduct a national public opinion survey…
Setting a New Normal through a Bold Recovery
We need to more than simply survive this crisis and get the economy moving while repairing the most serious cracks in our social foundations. We need a fundamental change of…
Addressing Economic Racism in Canada’s Pandemic Response and Recovery
In the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 was said to be “the great equalizer”, impacting people across all walks of life. Now, well-documented racial health inequities for COVID-19 have proven…
Paying for the Recovery We Want
This paper makes the case for a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that is fair and inclusive by investing in core social supports and improving our tax system by establishing…
Basic Income Guarantee: A Social Democratic Framework
Our report seeks to clarify the problem that a basic income might solve, and outline principles to guide policy development from a social-democratic perspective.