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Dreams and Realities on the Home Front: Canadians’ Call for Government Action on Housing Affordability
Overall, a strong majority of respondents from both the BC Lower Mainland and the GTHA want to see the federal government get back into building housing (80%), with 41% wanting…
Beyond Simply Building More: Policy Options for Combatting the Financialization of Housing in Ontario
To ensure that housing affordability crises do not reoccur in the long-term future, the Ontario government also needs to introduce new models of housing that decommodify affordable dwellings, rather than…
Making it Right: Universal Basic Mental Healthcare for Ontario
Expanding the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) to include universal basic mental healthcare would relieve the economic costs of mental illness, improve well-being, and save the province millions of dollars.
Setting a New Normal through a Bold Recovery
We need to more than simply survive this crisis and get the economy moving while repairing the most serious cracks in our social foundations. We need a fundamental change of…
Addressing Economic Racism in Canada’s Pandemic Response and Recovery
In the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 was said to be “the great equalizer”, impacting people across all walks of life. Now, well-documented racial health inequities for COVID-19 have proven…
Paying for the Recovery We Want
This paper makes the case for a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that is fair and inclusive by investing in core social supports and improving our tax system by establishing…
Medicare 2.0
This research paper urges the government to expand public health care and outlines why it is critical to do so now, during COVID-19, calling for establishing comprehensive mental health services,…
The Missing Money Our Schools Need Now: Education Development Charges in Toronto
The current provincial regulation governing whether or not a school board can charge Education Development Charges means that developers in Toronto get away without paying one cent to TDSB schools.…
Economic Recovery: Getting it Right for Women and Families in Ontario
Canada requires a comprehensive strategy for economic recovery that helps workers re-establish and maintain attachment to the workforce, ensures adequate income for all, and supports inclusion and gender equity.
Charting the Path to National Pharmacare in Canada
National Pharmacare has been a topic of discussion in Canada for over half a century, yet we remain unique among the world’s high-income countries with universal health coverage.
Housing Costs and Labour since the 1970s
There exists a number of indices that look at the price of housing by deflating the nominal dollar price of a house by the consumer price index (CPI) to get…