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Canadian Grocery Profitability: Inflation, Wages and Financialization
This report examines the Canadian grocery industry to better understand what is driving retail profit growth, and as a result, higher supermarket food prices.
Making the Shift to a Green Economy: The Green Economy Network’s Common Platform
An alliance of unions, with environmental, public interest, and faith-based organizations are working together through the Green Economy Network to put these principles to practice by calling for big green investments over…
Will the Response to the US Inflation Reduction Act Reveal Canada’s Lack of Green Industrial Policy?
Canada’s apparent need to defensively respond to the US Inflation Reduction Act should spur some hard thinking on the purpose of industrial policy, the policy approach our country needs, and how to…
Tax Fairness, Pandemic Recovery & Affordability Anxiety
In July 2021, the Broadbent Institute and the Professional Institute for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada commissioned Abacus Data to conduct a national public opinion survey…
Setting a New Normal through a Bold Recovery
We need to more than simply survive this crisis and get the economy moving while repairing the most serious cracks in our social foundations. We need a fundamental change of…
Paying for the Recovery We Want
This paper makes the case for a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that is fair and inclusive by investing in core social supports and improving our tax system by establishing…
Basic Income Guarantee: A Social Democratic Framework
Our report seeks to clarify the problem that a basic income might solve, and outline principles to guide policy development from a social-democratic perspective.
Economic Recovery: Getting it Right for Women and Families in Ontario
Canada requires a comprehensive strategy for economic recovery that helps workers re-establish and maintain attachment to the workforce, ensures adequate income for all, and supports inclusion and gender equity.
Building British Columbia’s Recovery, Together: Proposals for a Just Recovery
We have an opportunity through the recovery process to not only get British Columbia’s economy moving again, but to ensure it moves in the right direction.
Basic Income: An Explainer by Guy Caron
In this explainer, Guy Caron reviews Basic Income, how Basic Income differs from social assistance and disability benefits.
Multi-Millionaires and Fair Taxes: The Case for a Wealth Tax in Canada
Our latest survey shows that the majority of Canadians are looking for a COVID-19 recovery plan that is fair, inclusive and compassionate, leaving no one behind, and 8 out 10…
Filthy Five: Canada’s Tax Loopholes, Part 2
In 2018, the Broadbent Institute identified the five worst tax loopholes in Canada’s tax system. Little has been done to address these loopholes, which still drain money out of the…