COVID-19 is a catastrophe. The virus has exposed health, economic and social crises, and we’ve seen worsening gender, income and racial disparities.
But, as our submission to B.C. Government’s Economic Recovery Consultations explains, we have an opportunity through the recovery process to not only get British Columbia’s economy moving again, but to ensure it moves in the right direction. Authors Maria Dobrinskaya, Rob Gillezeau, Alex Himelfarb, and Jamison Steeve layout the policy foundations for a just recovery.
As the only social democratic government in the country, B.C. can lead the way and show the rest of Canada how we can recover by putting people first and adopting a policy to close the gaps in the safety net that have been exposed by the virus.
B.C. is in a strong financial position with a great credit ranking and has a lot of fiscal room to engage in a robust response.
Investing in ambitious green capital projects and more healthcare, education, culture and community workers doesn’t just benefit our society—but will also be our most powerful tool to speed the recovery.
‘Building British Columbia’s Recovery, Together: Proposals for a Just Recovery’ is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0