Research & Publications

Could a Progressive Platform Capture Canada’s Youth Vote?

A team of political scientists received a grant from the Social Sciences Research and Humanities Council in 2011 to launch the Comparative Provincial Elections Project (CPEP). This report represents the first time that this new and unique dataset has been analyzed to compare the political attitudes of older Canadians to young Canadians.

The dataset of 8,121 respondents, collected through a post-election survey of voters in each province over a complete cycle of provincial elections, allows for a level of detailed analysis not possible prior to the completion of the project at the end of 2014.

While generally Canadians display progressive attitudes, the analysis shows that young Canadians aged 35 and under across all walks of life are more likely to be to the left of older Canadians aged 36 or over, with some differences among young people from different provinces.

‘Could a Progressive Platform Capture Canada’s Youth Vote?’ is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0