The following are remarks delivered by Jen Hassum, Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute, welcoming guests to the 2023 Progress Gala held in Toronto, Ontario on November 16, 2023.
Hi everyone, welcome to the Broadbent Institute’s Progress Gala. My name is Jen Hassum and I’m the Broadbent Institute’s Executive Director. For those who are new to us, the Broadbent Institute is the space between the labour movement, academia, community organizing, and government. We are social democrats who do training, policy and media.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, bienvenue au gala Progress de l’Institut Broadbent. Je m’appelle Jen Hassum et je suis la directrice exécutive de l’Institut Broadbent.
Nous avons prévu une grande soirée pour vous. Nous souhaitons débuter en reconnaissant que cet événement et l’Institut Broadbent lui-même sont situés sur le territoire traditionnel de nombreuses nations.
Yes, this event and the Broadbent Institute itself are on land that is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. And that Toronto, covered by Treaty 13, is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Territorial acknowledgements are about starting off the meeting “in the right way, in a good way,” and it would be phony of me, someone who got their start in the left in the peace movement, if I also did not make mention of the horrific war in the middle east and let a silence linger over us. This is a big, diverse room, with all of us coming from an array of business, political, union and NGO backgrounds–I ask you all to respect each other. There is real fear, pain, and grief that I know many in the room are feeling tonight, especially those with families in the region. In Canada, we are seeing vile antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism is on the rise. It’s unacceptable. Know that everyone here, in good faith, condemns Hamas’ heinous torture and killing of innocent civilians. Palestinian people, who have been living in very difficult conditions for decades, should not have to pay for the current escalation with their lives, or their children’s lives. In addition to our government’s call for an immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, and for humanitarian aid to Gaza, we ought to support the UN, ITUC, World Health Organization, the hundreds of civic and faith groups in Canada–including my church, in calling for a ceasefire.
One of the many pleasures of working so closely with an internationalist like Ed Broadbent is being reminded constantly that yes there are periods of crisis and change in the world, but intrinsic to our humanity is our capacity to do good by finding common cause. Ed, thank you for making the time to join us at the Gala.
I’d like to also thank the many elected leaders and advocates of change in this room. Thank you for choosing to spend your evening here with us.
So tonight my gala friends, let’s please use this as a chance to catch our breath and to catch up with each other. Find common cause and plot the future that I have no doubt is bright.
We have an amazing evening lined up for you, and shortly I’ll introduce you to our host for the evening, comedian Dakota Ray Hebert.
Later this evening you’ll also hear from the Mayor of Toronto Olivia Chow, who will be joining us late as she is also being celebrated tonight at a separate event hosted by Toronto Life magazine, who have declared her one of the most influential Torontonians of 2023. And introducing the Mayor is none other than Marc Arsenault from the Provincial Building Trades.
Our amazing program tonight was only made possible because of our generous sponsors. Thank you! Especially, the Provincial Building Trades, AMAPCEO, PIPSC, CLC, UFCW, META, USW, Labatt Breweries of Canada, Society of United Professionals & CUPE National.
Mais d’abord, j’ai le plaisir de passer le micro à Dakota Ray Hébert.
Yes my friends, I am thrilled to pass the mic over to Dakota Ray Hebert, she’s a Dene writer, actor, and comedian fresh off a summer of performances at Just For Laughs festivals across the country. I just love her comedy, talk about relatable. So Dakota, thank you so much for joining us tonight, take it away!