The Layton Prize is awarded annually to a Canadian individual or organization who has run a particularly noteworthy political or issue campaign, reflecting the ideals JackLayton exemplified, including justice, sustainability and democracy.

The winner of this year’s Layton Prize is Shima Robinson.
Shima Aisha Robinson works for APIRG on the University of Alberta campus as the Programming and Working Group Coordinator.
She is a University of Alberta Master of Arts in Community Engagement (MACE) candidate who advances her enthusiasm for anti-oppression and social justice work volunteering, interning and working with local groups that address systemic issues of oppression and marginalization in amiskwaciy-wâskahikan, otherwise known as Edmonton, Alberta.
In 2020 she also served as the volunteer Media Liaison for Pekiwewin camp in amiskwaciy-wâskahikan aka Edmonton, AB, Canada.