Amina Jabbar
Contributing Researcher
Dr. Amina Jabbar is a geriatrician in the Greater Toronto Area. With a focus on populations that have been traditionally marginalized, Dr. Jabbar has facilitated anti-homophobia workshops in schools and community organizations with Teens Educating and Confronting Homophobia, delivered sexual health services at Planned Parenthood Toronto, and created tools to research neighbourhood-level health issues at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health.
Dr. Jabbar earned a Bachelor of Social Work from Ryerson University (2007), a Masters of Science in health research methodology from McMaster University (2009) and a Doctor of Medicine from University of Toronto (2013). She is pursuing a PhD in Health Policy at McMaster University.
Related Research Publications
October 8, 2020
Medicare 2.0
This research paper urges the government to expand public health care and outlines why it is critical to do so now, during COVID-19, calling for establishing comprehensive mental health services, making long-term care part of medicare, and implementing universal pharmacare now.