Jodie Tonita

Broadbent Leadership Fellow


Jodie Tonita supports leaders to cultivate powerful ideas and innovative solutions that unlock the challenges of our times. She’s an innovator with thirty-plus years in wide-ranging roles as an executive, strategist, producer, coach, facilitator, technologist, and board member.  

She’s supported hundreds of eminent change makers to build visionary initiatives, trusted relationships, political analysis and emergent strategy at the intersections of gender, racial, economic, worker, and climate justice.

Jodie collaborates with Black, Brown, and Indigenous leaders to advance their ideas and vision, particularly women of color, and queer and gender expansive people. She helps White leaders to be brave and efficacious in their efforts to forward equity and dismantle oppression.

Jodie has strengthened social change leadership and movements through her capacity building projects and partnerships with the adrienne maree brown projectRockwood Leadership Institute, and Change Elemental, Her efforts have advanced transformative approaches to collaborative leadership and intersectional strategy development.