Empowering Workers
Filthy Five: Canada’s Tax Loop Holes
This document outlines the ‘Filthy Five’ tax loopholes in Canada that must be closed. The revenue of these loopholes can be up to $12 billion, depending on current tax rates,…
Canada’s Working poor and the Working Tax Benefit
During the decade since its introduction, the major criticism of the WITB has been that it is a decidedly modest benefit, which is reduced and even lost completely at levels…
The Brass Tax: Busting Myths About Overtaxed Canadians
Canadian news media are awash with coverage of studies purporting to show the growing burden of taxation, reinforcing a narrative that Canadians are paying high tax rates and providing justification…
Networked Change in Canada
The report’s goal is to transmit a model that can be learned and replicated by other campaigners for how to blend grassroots participation and organizing with disciplined central planning to…
Toward Adequate Income Assistance for People with Disabilities in British Columbia
British Columbia has a long way to go towards providing an adequate and dignified standard of living to persons with disabilities. In Toward Adequate Income Assistance for People with Disabilities in…
Workplace Democracy for the 21st Century: Towards a New Agenda for Employee Voice and Representation in Canada
In this discussion paper, we make the case for a renewed national dialogue on 'workplace democracy'; advancing the fundamental rights of employees to associate freely and to have some say…
Housing Costs and Labour since the 1970s
There exists a number of indices that look at the price of housing by deflating the nominal dollar price of a house by the consumer price index (CPI) to get…
A Green Entrepreneurial State as Solution to Climate Federalism
This paper argues that Canada should look beyond “market-based” climate strategies to resolve climate federalist challenges. A policy mix more targeted towards specific technology systems can tailor approaches to Canada’s…
An Analysis of the Economic Circumstances of Canadian Seniors
This report analyzed the retirement savings of near-retirement Canadians ages 55 to 64 without a workplace pension. The results are startling — and explain why seniors' poverty is set to…
Behind the Headlines: Who’s Really Benefiting from Higher TFSA Limits?
This study carefully examines the available data on Tax Free Savings Accounts to gain deeper insights into the true distributional impacts of the 2015 hike to contribution limits.
The Big Split: Income Splitting’s Unequal Distribution of Benefits Across Canada
The majority of Canadian families with children under 18 would get no benefit at all from the Conservatives’ income splitting scheme, despite this group being the express target of the…
Double Trouble: The Case Against Expanding Tax-Free Savings Accounts
This study finds that no case—on either economic or equity grounds— can be found for unconditional doubling of Tax Free Savings Account contribution limits.