Essential Solutions Project
Setting a New Normal through a Bold Recovery
We need to more than simply survive this crisis and get the economy moving while repairing the most serious cracks in our social foundations. We need a fundamental change of…
Addressing Economic Racism in Canada’s Pandemic Response and Recovery
In the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 was said to be “the great equalizer”, impacting people across all walks of life. Now, well-documented racial health inequities for COVID-19 have proven…
Paying for the Recovery We Want
This paper makes the case for a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that is fair and inclusive by investing in core social supports and improving our tax system by establishing…
Basic Income Guarantee: A Social Democratic Framework
Our report seeks to clarify the problem that a basic income might solve, and outline principles to guide policy development from a social-democratic perspective.
Medicare 2.0
This research paper urges the government to expand public health care and outlines why it is critical to do so now, during COVID-19, calling for establishing comprehensive mental health services,…