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Charting the Path to National Pharmacare in Canada
National Pharmacare has been a topic of discussion in Canada for over half a century, yet we remain unique among the world’s high-income countries with universal health coverage.
An Electoral System for All: Why British Columbia Should Adopt Proportional Representation
Now, rather than relying on FPTP and defenses like “Well, this is how we’ve always done it!” we can choose an electoral system for the 21st century.
Filthy Five: Canada’s Tax Loop Holes
This document outlines the ‘Filthy Five’ tax loopholes in Canada that must be closed. The revenue of these loopholes can be up to $12 billion, depending on current tax rates,…
Canada’s Working poor and the Working Tax Benefit
During the decade since its introduction, the major criticism of the WITB has been that it is a decidedly modest benefit, which is reduced and even lost completely at levels…
The Brass Tax: Busting Myths About Overtaxed Canadians
Canadian news media are awash with coverage of studies purporting to show the growing burden of taxation, reinforcing a narrative that Canadians are paying high tax rates and providing justification…
Progress in the Age of Trump
The Broadbent Institute commissioned Stratcom to research current political attitudes among Canadians on issues of inequality and economic security, and in relation to the Trump presidency.
Networked Change in Canada
The report’s goal is to transmit a model that can be learned and replicated by other campaigners for how to blend grassroots participation and organizing with disciplined central planning to…
Reflections on the Social Democratic Tradition
The term social democracy means the full extension of democratic principles to both the social and economic sphere and overlaps closely with the concept of democratic socialism, which denotes building…
The Economic Benefits of Public Infrastructure Spending in British Columbia
This report examines the economic benefits of three possible public infrastructure spending plans in British Columbia. The three plans involve 5-year cumulative spending commitments by the provincial government of $5,…
Toward Adequate Income Assistance for People with Disabilities in British Columbia
British Columbia has a long way to go towards providing an adequate and dignified standard of living to persons with disabilities. In Toward Adequate Income Assistance for People with Disabilities in…
Submission from the Broadbent Institute to the Canada Revenue Agency’s online consultation on charities’ political activities
This brief outlines the distinct lack of clarity of the current rules regulating political activity and highlights how the biased scrutiny and targeted auditing of certain types of charities has…
Submission to the Special Committee on Electoral Reform
Because of endemic problems with our first-past-the-post (FPTP) electoral system in a modern, multiparty context - notably, false majorities, distorted outcomes, wasted votes and the underrepresentation of women and other…