Climate Action
Making the Shift to a Green Economy: The Green Economy Network’s Common Platform
An alliance of unions, with environmental, public interest, and faith-based organizations are working together through the Green Economy Network to put these principles to practice by calling for big green investments over…
Will the Response to the US Inflation Reduction Act Reveal Canada’s Lack of Green Industrial Policy?
Canada’s apparent need to defensively respond to the US Inflation Reduction Act should spur some hard thinking on the purpose of industrial policy, the policy approach our country needs, and how to…
Setting a New Normal through a Bold Recovery
We need to more than simply survive this crisis and get the economy moving while repairing the most serious cracks in our social foundations. We need a fundamental change of…
Building British Columbia’s Recovery, Together: Proposals for a Just Recovery
We have an opportunity through the recovery process to not only get British Columbia’s economy moving again, but to ensure it moves in the right direction.
The Economic Benefits of Public Infrastructure Spending in British Columbia
This report examines the economic benefits of three possible public infrastructure spending plans in British Columbia. The three plans involve 5-year cumulative spending commitments by the provincial government of $5,…
A Green Entrepreneurial State as Solution to Climate Federalism
This paper argues that Canada should look beyond “market-based” climate strategies to resolve climate federalist challenges. A policy mix more targeted towards specific technology systems can tailor approaches to Canada’s…
Climate, Health, and Alberta’s Coal-Fired Power Plants
This report is a submission to the Alberta Climate Change Advisory Panel. It provides important evidence supporting the accelerated phase-out of the province’s coal-fired electricity generation.
The Economic Benefits of Public Infrastructure Spending in Canada
This report provides estimates of the economic benefits of a five-year, $50-billion public infrastructure spending program in Canada funded equally by the federal and provincial governments.
Step Change: Federal Policy Ideas Toward a Low-carbon Canada
Canada must calibrate its climate policies with a view to the long term. In addition to carbon pricing — a core policy idea that is gaining ground at the provincial…
More Courageous Bets and Equitable Returns: Challenging Perceptions about Public Investment in Innovation
This conversation starter aims to challenge inaccurate or incomplete perceptions about public investment in innovation.